The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life,
    but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.

Proverbs 10:11

Your words have a lot to say about you. They can bring life, peace, and hope to those with whom you come in contact. They can also tear down friendships, erode trust, and sever lives. Words can give life as easily as they can take life. 
A wise person is one who starts from the inside out. Those whose hearts are shaped by the character of God overflow with the grace of God and become like a fountain of life in a desert. Those who are wicked may hide their vicious thoughts for a time, but eventually what is concealed will be revealed. 
From the heart the mouth speaks. 
You have an incredible power in your words. How have you been using that power? What is the wake that you have left behind you? Has it led others to life, or has it brought about pain and sorrow? 
Meditate on this question: What do my words reveal about my character?