It is better to go to the house of mourning
    than to go to the house of feasting,
for this is the end of all mankind,
    and the living will lay it to heart.
Ecclesiastes 7:2

There is a wisdom that is found only when we contemplate our life in light of its end. Life, the preacher says, is hevel. It is short. It can be confusing. The things that we spend our days on become what we spend our years on which become what we spent our life on. Too often we settle for giving our lives over to things that don't really matter. Ecclesiastes calls that vanity. 
We are all susceptible to vanities' lie. 
Wisdom if found when we place the things that that consume our emotions, our minds, and our schedules through the merciless matrix of time and death. What are you investing in that will truly matter when your life is over? This meditation doesn't lead to despair or nihilism. On the contrary, it brings in sharp relief the things that truly matter in our lives. It brings wisdom. 
What truly matters in your life this week?