One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.

 Proverbs 11:24

This truth is hard for us to believe. Why? If you believe that money will pave the way for your happiness, your security, your relationships, then why would you ever give it away? Wouldn’t you want to get and keep as much of it as you possibly could? How can one give freely and yet grow even richer? How can the person who holds back end up holding less?
Because God is generous with those who are generous. 

Your ultimate happiness, security, and relationships stem from more than money and self-effort. When we mirror the generous heart of God, with eyes to see what we can give instead of what we can take, we discover that we are enriched because of it. God is generous with those who are generous.

Meditate on this question: How generous am I in my financial giving, and what does that say about what is going on in my heart?