Do not be anxious about anything…
                                       – Philippians 4:6a

That seems like a hard ask on any given week, let alone in a global crisis. But Paul isn’t saying that you or I should never feel any concern or live in an “untouched” emotional state. No, Paul is warning against a type of anxiety that begins to dominate our thinking and control our lives. The incredible uncertainty and physical danger we are in as a nation threaten to overwhelm even the strongest individuals. 

but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
                                         – Philippians 4:6b-7

This is the great exchange, a process where we name our fears and bring them before God. Here, Paul is speaking, not to an individual but to the entire church congregation. This is a communal process. There is an incredible power when we come together to acknowledge our fears and our failed attempts to control things that only God can control, and together we pray for His peace in our lives. 

Find a Spirit-led and safe person this week with whom you can be honest about your anxiety. Together, bring your fears before the Lord and exchange them for His peace.