Acts of Jesus Study Guide: Acts 1


Luke gives the premise for writing his book. This is the story of how the work of Jesus continued after his ascension into heaven. The disciples are given a mission but told to wait until the power of the Holy Spirit is upon them. While they wait and prepare for that moment, the disciples choose a replacement for Judas.

~Read Acts 1~

Key Questions

Luke begins by describing the time in between Jesus’ resurrection and His coming ascension. He taught the early disciples for 40 days about the coming of God’s kingdom. What do you think they discussed and how did it impact the disciples? (Hint! Look at how Luke describes the disciples in the last few chapters of Luke and then in the first few chapters of Acts.)

What does this imply about the need and result of you spending time with Jesus and His word?

The disciples are told to wait for a power which was promised by God, told to them through Jesus, and made available to them by the Holy Spirit. Why do they need to wait?

Jesus tells them that when they receive the power of the Spirit, they will be witnesses. People who are operating in the power of Holy Spirit witness about Jesus. What do you think witnessing means and how are you living that out?

Why do you think the disciples felt the need to replace Judas’ position as the 12th disciple? Think back to their last 40 days of discussion.

Applying Truth

God’s work requires God’s power. You cannot live the life that He has called you to in your own strength and effort. Acts is a story of the continuing work of Jesus through people who were led by the Holy Spirit. Even as the disciples waited for that first gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, so we who have the Spirit within us must also wait for His leading in our lives.

What areas of your life are you living in your own strength and what has that cost you?

Where are you outpacing God’s leading?


God grant me the grace this week to move in the power at the speed of your Holy Spirit.