Acts of Jesus Study Guide: Acts 2


Acts 2 tells the story of how the Holy Spirit came upon the early believers on the day of Pentecost. God’s prophecy came true and the early church began to miraculously speak the story of Jesus in such a way that each person understood it in their own language. Peter preaches the message of Jesus as the rejected Messiah who is now calling Israel to Himself and many respond to the Gospel. In response to God’s word and the work of the Holy Spirit, a new faith community is gathered.

~Read Acts 2~

Key Questions

Pentecost was a celebration of the first harvest of wheat where many Jewish pilgrims came from all over the empire to Jerusalem to celebrate and make offerings to God. Why is this setting significant for the coming of the Holy Spirit?

While they were waiting, there was a rushing wind and something like tongues of fire came upon the believers. Read 2nd Chronicles 7:1-4 and Exodus 30: 33-38. What is significant about this imagery and what does it imply?

When they spoke the words of Jesus, they miraculously spoke in languages they didn’t previously know. The pilgrims who had traveled from all over the world to be there suddenly heard the message of Jesus clearly. How is this a fulfilment of Ezekiel 37:15-28?

Verse 42 says that they devoted themselves to this new community of faith. They heard the message, they responded with faith, and then they dedicated themselves to this new community. Why was that important, and why is it still important?

Applying Truth

God fulfills His promises. The events in Acts 2 undoubtedly shocked and surprised all who saw it, but God had planned this long ago. The prophets had foretold this moment would come and that God’s kingdom would break forth in a new way. Those who saw it responded with joy, worship, and generosity. They committed themselves to God’s word and lived with the simple purpose of being a part of God’s coming kingdom because God’s people respond to God’s promises.

Too often this simplicity of purpose and the overflowing life of worship it brings gets buried by the worries of everyday life. What has overshadowed your commitment to the community of believers? What has robbed you of joy or complicated your purpose in living? Give it to God and reconnect with the thrill of seeing God’s kingdom come in and through you.