Acts of Jesus Study Guide: Acts 3


In Acts 3 we find that its not just the work of Jesus that is continuing through people who are led by the Spirit, but the miracles of Jesus are continuing as well. In the Gospels we find numerous accounts of Jesus healing the sick and the lame. Now, we see His disciples doing that same work to confirm their message of salvation through the risen Jesus.

~Read Acts 3~

Key Questions

What were the stated reasons that Peter and the lame man were at the temple? What is the deeper significance of this event happening at the temple (Hint: what is the purpose of the temple?)

The pious onlookers where shocked when they saw the work of God on display. Peter challenges their reaction. Why were they shocked, and why are we so surprised when we see the work of God in our midst?

Peter states that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has glorified Jesus and yet their descendants (the Israelites) have rejected and killed Him. How is it that you can inherit a tradition of faith and still miss it? What does this imply about how we can or cannot pass along our personal faith others?

Verse 24 states that the prophets in the Old Testament spoke of Jesus even though His name wasn’t specifically mentioned in the text. What does this say about a “Christian” reading of the Old Testament?

Applying Truth

“We believe that all the Scriptures center about the Lord Jesus Christ in His person and work in His first and second coming, and hence that no portion, even of the Old Testament, is properly read, or understood, until it leads to Him.”[1]

God’s plan of redemption was set in motion from eternity past. All of creation praises and points to Him. All of scripture speaks of Him and leads us to Him. Our lives should do the same. Just like creation and the word of God, our lives should point to Jesus.

What is your life pointing to? May it be said of each of us that our lives center about the Lord Jesus Christ in His person and work in His first and second coming, and that the story of our life can’t be fully understood until you see that it points to Jesus.
