Train up a child in the way he should go and even when he is old he will not depart from it. 
 Proverbs 22:6

Each of us was set on a path. 
Whether it was a parent, extended family, or a legal guardian – the people who raised you shaped much of how you view life. Their influence set you on a trajectory. For some, that trajectory led to a healthy view of life and an accurate view of God. For others, you were set to go down some dark paths. For most of us, it was a little bit of both. 
It requires wisdom to look back at the path we were set on, and to evaluate it based on God's Word. When we join together with the family of God, we can find healing and grace. We can be set on a new path that leads to life. 
Take time to consider how your upbringing set your view about God. Does that image reflect the God of the Bible?