My son, be attentive to my wisdom;
    incline your ear to my understanding,
that you may keep discretion,
    and your lips may guard knowledge.
For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey,
    and her speech is smoother than oil,
but in the end she is bitter as wormwood,
    sharp as a two-edged sword.
Her feet go down to death;
    her steps follow the path to Sheol;
she does not ponder the path of life;
    her ways wander, and she does not know it.

 Proverbs 5

When God created Adam and Eve, He created them as sexual beings. It wasn’t an afterthought or a mistake. It was part of God’s plan and He called it good. 

It still is good. 

But even good gifts used the wrong way can wreak havoc in our lives. God intended this gift to be something that drew people together physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Our sexuality is about so much more than having sex, and sex is about so much more than physical actions. 

Wisdom is knowing how to embrace and contain our sexuality in such a way that we can thrive. Take time this week to stop and consider what thriving sexually looks like in your life based on God’s design.